Family Law |
The health, emotional well-being and security of your family are top priorities. When conflicts arise within the family, Alliegro Law Office, LLC places these concerns at the center of our legal representation. Our goal is to treat you and your family with dignity and respect. Judges routinely advise litigants that a fair settlement is worth its weight in gold. Every effort will be made by our lawyers to work toward an amicable resolution, including the use of settlement conferences, voluntary mediation, and written agreements.
With that said, settlement remains a two-way street requiring the participation of both parties. Unfortunately, a fair settlement is not always within your control. In these circumstances, we will work closely with you to prepare your case for trial in the family court. We are available to answer your questions and guide you through every step of the process. This is true whether you find yourself in need of legal representation in the areas of marriage dissolution, child custody, child support, parenting time, visitation or adoption.